Author: Redakce Manuscriptoria

Louka Gradual

Unique evidence of the development of book painting at the turn of the Late Gothic to the Early Renaissance periods

Zábrdovice Gospel Book

One of the oldest illuminated manuscripts in the Czech Republic

Map of Military Operations

Testimony of combat operations in the War of the Austrian Succession

Breviary of an Unknown Benedictine Nun

Beautifully decorated breviary of an unknown nun from the Benedictine convent of St. George at Prague Castle

Tausend Jahre Nachbarschaft. Tschechen und Deutsche in Handschriften und alten Drucken – ein Verzeichniss

Codex Vyssegradensis Dalimil-Chronik – ein Fragment der lateinischen Übersetzung Chronik des Konstanzer Konzils von Ulrich Richental Album amicorum des Ottavio Strada Druck, die anlässlich der Hochzeit des bayerischen Herzogs Wilhelm V. mit Renata von Lothringen herausgegeben wurde. Bergkunst Das ist: Gründlicher Bericht von Bergwercken, Fundgruben vnd Metallen

Lipnice Bible

Our digital library newly allows you to browse through the precious Lipnice Bible. In 2021, 600 years had elapsed since the origin of this biblical manuscript that is today deposited in the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. The Lipnice Bible, whose digitised version has been acquired successfully from the American institution, was created during…
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A Unique Book from Vojvodina, Serbia

Manuscriptorium managed to acquire a unique remainder of the book culture of the Unity of the Brethren from the pre-White Mountain period. It is a partly printed and partly handwritten Czech translation of the work by the French reformer John Calvin Institutio christianae religionis (“Institutes of the Christian Religion“). This book is only the second…
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Complete digitised documents from Swiss collections

In Manuscriptorium, you can newly browse and study over 2,600 digitised manuscripts from more than 80 Swiss libraries and archives! These books can be accessed via Manuscriptorium owing to the long-term collaboration with the digital library e-codices that fulfils the role of the Swiss national aggregator for the local digitised collections of old manuscripts. The…
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Velislav Bible

The most voluminous medieval picture book in Central Europe