Lipnice Bible

Our digital library newly allows you to browse through the precious Lipnice Bible. In 2021, 600 years had elapsed since the origin of this biblical manuscript that is today deposited in the Museum of the Bible in Washington D.C. The Lipnice Bible, whose digitised version has been acquired successfully from the American institution, was created during the first half of the 15th century, apparently partly at Lipnice nad Sázavou Castle. To mark this significant anniversary, the bible’s original was transported to the Czech Republic where it could be viewed at the exhibition Lipnická bible 1421–2021: Štít víry do neklidné doby (Lipnice Bible 1421–2021: The Shield of Faith for Turbulent Times), first at Lipnice castle and later in the Mirror Chapel of the Clementinum in Prague. Additionally, the exhibition was made virtual and is now available online.
Currently, Manuscriptorium leads successful talks with the Museum of the Bible to establish a long-term collaboration. Therefore, you can look forward to seeing other rare biblical manuscripts from this exceptional American collection!