Tag: VISK 6 Programme

Digitised Missal from the Regional Museum in Olomouc

In 2024, the Regional Museum in Olomouc digitised a manuscript missal of the Olomouc diocese from the last third of the 15th century (shelf mark K-24059). The codex has simply decorated initials. The Canon of the Mass is preceded by a pasted broadside containing a coloured woodcut, probably from southern Germany from after the middle of the 15th century.

Digitised Manuscripts from the Premonstratensian Canonry in Nová Říše

The library of the Premonstratensian Canonry in Nová Říše provided access to another five manuscripts in 2024. Three of them are medieval – two of those come from the Czech lands and the latter one (shelf mark NŘ 14) contains various exegeses, probably by the Hussite preacher Václav of Dráchov; the third medieval codex is a collection of prayers and meditative texts written in the Archdiocese of Cologne (NŘ 69). The modern manuscripts comprise a coloured armorial (NR 88) and the treatise Tristes annuae desertorum Societatis Jesu by the Jesuit János Nádasi (NR 55).

Medieval Manuscripts from the National Library of the Czech Republic

First part of the National Library’s manuscripts digitised in 2024